
Welcome to Grazio's Landscaping & Company Pricing page. Here you will find a list of our services and their corresponding prices. We offer a variety of affordable options to meet your landscaping needs.

Estimated prices 

*(Prices very on circumstances)*


Lawn mowing & Yard Trim

.35 aceres and under US$40.00
.35 - .50 acres US$55.00
.50 - .65 acres US$70.00
.65 - .80 acres US$85.00
.80 - .90 acres US$95.00
.90 - 1 acres US$105.00
Anything above will be a in person estimate Free estimates

Shoveling & Snow Blowing Residental

Single car short US$40.00
Double car short US$45.00
Single car long US$50.00
Double car long US$55.00
exstended driveways US$10.00 additional fee
Salt for short driveways US$5.00 additional fee
Salt for long driveways US$10.00 additional fee
Anything residential that doesn't fall in the listed prices will be in person estimates. Free estimates

Leaf Removal and Multching

.35 aceres and under US$70.00
.35 - .50 acres US$100.00
.50 - .65 acres US$130.00
.65 - .80 acres US$160.00
.80 - .90 acres US$180.00
.90 - 1 acres US$200.00
Anything above will be a in person estimate Free estimates
Exsesive leaf removal (Blanketed across) 20% US$ Additional fee

Ready to transform your outdoor space?

Contact Grazio's Landscaping & Company today to schedule a service or request a quote. Our experienced team is here to help you achieve the lawn of your dreams.